Bringing the Electronic Lab Notebook to Life for Analytical Scientists | C&EN Webinars | Chemical & Engineering News
Bringing the Electronic Lab Notebook to Life for
Analytical Scientists

June 9, 2011
USA: 11:00 a.m. EDT • 10:00 a.m. CDT • 8:00 a.m. PDT
Europe: 5:00 p.m. Berlin • 4:00 p.m. London

Overview: With scientists often challenged by paper documentation, tedious error-prone manual processes and massive volumes of information, electronic lab notebook adoption is taking the scientific community by storm. The Pfizer electronic lab notebook (eLN) project was launched in the Pharmaceutical Sciences division in 2006 and the eLN is now used by hundreds of scientists in multiple locations. In this webinar, Pfizer shares their experience in selecting and implementing an eLN for use by analytical chemists in both regulated and non-regulated laboratory environments.

Topics covered in this webinar:
  • Defining the business, technical and human objectives of the eLN project
  • Successful approaches to eLN system configuration and tools to speed implementation
  • Value seen after eLN implementation

What you'll learn in this webinar:
  • The importance of a close customer/vendor partnership in producing a better eLN
  • Engaging the user base in evaluating and prioritizing eLN functionality
  • Tips to ensure successful eLN development and deployment enterprise-wide

Who should attend?
  • Scientists/researchers
  • Lab managers and directors
  • IT professionals

Stan Piper, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
eLN Business Lead
Pfizer Global Research & Development

Elizabeth K. Wilson
Senior Editor

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