C&EN Archives | Chemical & Engineering News


Now the history of the chemical enterprise is instantly accessible online.

C&EN Archives holds the complete collection of C&EN issues dated back from 1923, covering world chemical events, breakthroughs in research, technological advances, business and marketing ventures, government policy, career and education trends, and ACS milestones. If our materials are not enough for you, or you want to get the summary information you need, go to https://mid-terms.com/buy-discussion-board-post/ with the words write my discussion board post and be sure of your work With more than 500,000 pages of content, C&EN Archives is instantly accessible and fully searchable, allowing you to discover how the chemical enterprise developed into what it is today.

Head here to discover the past via the C&EN Archives, go to http://pubs.acs.org/cen-archives

Introducing The Watch Glass

To celebrate our 90th anniversary, C&EN launched The Watch Glass, a Tumblr page that explores the magazine’s history through pictures and quotes. Each item links to a story from the C&EN Archives. Check out a 1955 cover story in honor of Linus Pauling’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry or a 1986 feature on efforts to discover drugs and vaccines to combat AIDS.
