July 5, 2004 Volume 82, Number 27 pp. 23-63 |
The chemical industry around the world is hoping that 2003 was the year in which business turned around. In total, however, chemical industry data for the 12 months do not look very different from those of 2002. Production of chemicals, especially in the developed countries, changed little. The chemical industry still cut employees--especially production workers--as it had in the previous year because of the slack demand. The industry also reduced forward-looking spending such as that for new plants and equipment and for R&D. Most of the companies in the U.S., Europe, and Japan that were surveyed reduced such expenditures in 2003 from the previous year, which itself had been down from 2001. Prices, however, jumped to keep up with rising raw material costs. In fact, the increase in prices in some countries made it seem as if demand for chemicals, which is measured in currency as opposed to volume, was rising rapidly. But the increase in total value was almost all due to the rising prices. What does not show up in the annual data, however, is that, in the final quarter of the year in some producing countries, including the U.S., the cost-cutting reorganizations of the previous few years finally began to have an effect on the bottom line. Yes, costs were still increasing, and production was improving only slightly. But coupled with the increased prices, cost cutting--including the employment cuts--produced higher earnings for many producers in the fourth quarter of 2003. This improvement continued and became more widespread in the first quarter of 2004. C&EN's collection of industry data from the major chemical-producing countries and regions was accomplished by Assistant Managing Editor Michael McCoy, Senior Correspondent Marc S. Reisch, and Associate Editor Alexander H. Tullo (all three in C&EN's Northeast News Bureau); Senior Correspondent Patricia L. Short (London); and Asia-Pacific Bureau Head Jean-François Tremblay (Hong Kong). The work was coordinated by Senior Correspondent William J. Storck (Northeast News Bureau).
Chemical & Engineering News ISSN 0009-2347 Copyright © 2004 |